Sometimes it’s difficult to stay healthy even in best circumstances. Those who sit at desk for long hours have an even more challenging task. A true healthy and fit life combines many things, like eating right, exercise and keeping a sound mind. Ignoring any aspect of good heath can grind down your health.

Little changes, if practiced regularly over a long period of time, are the best ways to increase your well being. Here are some easy ways to adopt ideas and get inspired. Let’s take a look!

Drink more water: Experts say “Everyone is aware of the long list of benefits that come from increased water intake,  but many of us forget to drink enough water”. The solution to this is: increased awareness and a little structure like keeping a clear water bottle near screen. You can commit to drink the entire bottle at least three times a day. You can also keep sipping water during the meetings, this will keep you hydrated throughout the day.

Take a break from screen every 20 mins: It is recommended to follow 20-20-20 rule while working for long hours, try taking a break every 20 mins by looking at something 20 feet away for at least 20 secs. This aids your eyes to relax after looking at the digital screen for a long period of time.

Also, we should take care of the lighting, if the computer screen is very bright when compared to the surrounding your eyes have to work much harder. The screen should be placed at an arm’s length to help eyes focus properly.

Stretch and move: Its hard on the body and mind to have an eight or more hours workday, so experts recommend setting aside for a few minutes every hour for some light body stretches and exercises, this will help to improve blood flow and supply of nutrients to tissues and muscles, which aids in relieving discomfort and fatigue.

Be mindful of your posture: Poor posture can result from typing and performing other office duties which put excess strain on the back, shoulders and neck. This undue strain can cause difficulty in non-work hours. Try to sit by keeping back straight and keep feet flat on the floor, this posture will help reduce the strain on the body.

Pack your lunch – Make sure to eat a healthy breakfast, it will help you to loose weight and stay fit and healthy. Try to avoid drive-thru on your way to office. If we spare little bit of time in the morning to pack healthy meals, it will do wonders for our health.

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